The Kentucky Trauma Registry (KTR) was established by state law (KRS 211.490 et seq.; 902 KAR 28:040) to be the statewide repository for trauma data. It is housed administratively in the Kentucky Department for Public Health and managed by the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center (KIPRC), a unit of the University of Kentucky’s College of Public Health. All trauma centers designated by the Commissioner of Public Health in the Kentucky Trauma Care System maintain trauma registries that are compatible with the National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB) standards established in the National Trauma Data Standard Data Dictionary. The trauma centers upload their trauma data electronically at least quarterly to the KTR. Clinical Data Management, Inc. (CDM) is the vendor that manages the downloading and compilation of data from participating trauma centers, including unverified facilities that report to the registry, and supplies the data to the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center.
With support from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration through the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, KIPRC analyzes the statewide trauma registry data and provides a detailed profile of the traumatic injuries treated in the state’s trauma facilities.